Interface UiSettingServer

public interface UiSettingServer

Philip Tobin

Method Summary
 void disposeUiComponent(java.awt.Component component)
          must be called when finished with a UI component in order to properly clean up resources and subscriptions associate with this Object.
 javax.swing.JComponent getUiComponent(java.lang.String componentName)
          retrieves the UI Components used by TunerStudio for the named component The referenced name will be the name assigned in the ECU Definition (ini) file.
 java.util.List<UiCurve> getUiCurves()
          retrieves all Curves
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getUiPanelNames()
          retrieves the defined names for all Panels, Tables and Curves
 java.util.List<UiTable> getUiTable()
          retrieves all Tables defined

Method Detail


javax.swing.JComponent getUiComponent(java.lang.String componentName)
retrieves the UI Components used by TunerStudio for the named component The referenced name will be the name assigned in the ECU Definition (ini) file. This will return the proper setting for: - Parameters / Constants - CurveGraphs - Tables - Panels - Dialogs When finished with the Component, Please notify with disposeUiComponent(String componentName) in order for TunerStudio to perform the appropriate cleanup work It may seem returning a basic component limits the ability to interact with the setting UI directly, direct interaction should never be performed. To update a setting, the API's of ControllerAccess should be used, to be notified of a change to a setting, again the API's of ControllerAccess should be used. This insures that all components will be notified of any changes.

componentName - the name of a Panel, Table, Curve or Parameter
a completely constructed and subscribed UI component


void disposeUiComponent(java.awt.Component component)
must be called when finished with a UI component in order to properly clean up resources and subscriptions associate with this Object.

component - - the original component provided by getUiComponent(String componentName)


java.util.List<java.lang.String> getUiPanelNames()
retrieves the defined names for all Panels, Tables and Curves

List of all Panel and Dialogs defined in the ini


java.util.List<UiCurve> getUiCurves()
retrieves all Curves

list of all CurveGraphs defined


java.util.List<UiTable> getUiTable()
retrieves all Tables defined

All tables defined for this configuration